Sunday, September 9, 2018

Checking your ‘likes’ is "the" new smoking addiction.

Checking your phone constantly is a new addiction. Most of the time people are doing it to know if they have received enough ‘likes’ or ‘thumbs up’. Psychologists say that a typical person checks his/her phone every 15 minutes or less when half of the time he/she has not received any alerts or notifications. Its coming from their head.

A Fact to Ponder:
Smartphones, tablets, or the Internet can be addictive because their use can trigger the release of the brain chemical dopamine to alter mood — which is exactly what drugs and alcohol do

Your constant anxiousness to know if you have missed out any important updates and messages generates Cortisol, which eventually stresses you out and you immediately check-in to your smartphone to get rid of the anxiety and stress. Kindly do not miss to watch the video link given at the end of this article. It has alarming information worth noting. Did you know, Steve Jobs who revolutionized the entire world with iPhone, restricted the usage for his kids?

We live in the same house with our family-children, parents but most of the time completely disconnected because we are hooked up checking our smartphone. The major impact of internet is that we get personalized messages and mails based on the preferences we have expressed in one site and it links to all and we are carried away. Tobacco company hunted our lungs, smartphones and apps have hunted down our souls.

Relationships are having a serious negative impact. Now people and their children are becoming a sophisticated machine. God made us to be inter-dependent and connected to each other, love one another, share our joys and happy moments with one another. We are failing miserably to maintain healthy relationships with God and people. With all the revolution in the tech world it is only forcing us to connect at a superficial level even with God. Superficiality is the result of this new behavior. Get motivated personally and encourage your children to read good books and be people friendly. More than therapy you need the help of the divine God to liberate you from the addiction and connect  to reality. Think about it. Religion and your lifestyle cannot run parallel, it needs to be interconnected.

Check this amazing video.

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