Sunday, November 25, 2018

Is life a matter of Fate or Faith?

Based on the creation story recorded in History, carefully analyzed and scrutinized by science, anthropology, Metaphysics, quantum physics and other field of study, we are believed to be created in the likeness of God with a divine significant character like emotions, love, intellect and free will. Unlike animal kingdom that operates based on instinct we operate by emotions, instinct and intellect. When human being yields to instinct alone, we then witness heinous crime like brutal rapes, murder, embezzlement, etc. 

The power to choose is what sets us apart from all other creations, and that is a lot of power we have been given when we really think about it.  I hear this general saying from people which says. “Whatever will be, will be.”. Have you ever heard this statement too? If we look deeper into that statement, it is actually scary to think that whatever happens in life was meant to be, but unfortunately that is the formula of the world we live in. But I beg to differ that if this belief system is true, then what is the reason for prayer, medication, fasting, or even going to any religious places? If our lives were meant to be lived with this predestined path of unfortunate and tragic events with a few happy moments in between, then why would we even need to believe there is supernatural power who we call God. Think about it. 

Fate is defined as something that unavoidably befalls a person or that which is inevitably predetermined: destiny. With this definition it gives the idea that if someone has a wonderful end to their destiny, it will happen to them no matter what and nothing they do can change it. This sounds great but on the flip side, if someone has a bad end to their destiny there is also nothing, they can do to change it. This belief system sounds very flawed and very unfair.

We live by faith in God which translates to trust one another and live by hope, good works and accepting the salvation from God in order to enjoy the abundant life from Him and to enjoy the fellowship of our families, friends and with all others for perfect harmony and satisfaction. Nothing is a matter of mere chance.

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Sunday, November 18, 2018

IQ (Intelligent Quotient) verses SQ (Spiritual Quotient).

One thing that we all witness in our time is the knowledge boom. It is just incomprehensible compared to two decades or earlier. It is a challenge for people who exist before this time to cope up with so many areas where it demands high IQ (Intelligent quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient) and most importantly, TQ (Technology Quotient). We explore the frontier of the information revolution: The Hybrid Age. The Hybrid age is the transition period between the information Age and the moment of singularity (When machines surpass human intelligence) the inventor Ray Kurzweil, author of the Singularity is Near, estimates we may reach by 2040 (perhaps sooner)

Each of us are expected to better adapt TQ to a future in which robots are going to be the normal social actors in our lives, healthcare becomes a vehicle for physical enhancement, academic descendants’ dissolves in a global skills market, and virtual currencies are expected to enable tax-free transactions.

All the innovation and revolution if you notice is not central to addressing human problems it is only creating more and more panic and uncertainties of survival. Huge masses of people are thrown out from all sectors, may it be IT field, banks or multi-national companies. They don’t need you anymore. Why would they, when technology is able to replace the work of big number of people. More and more people are becoming incompatible for this period of time. 

Having said all this, I want to introduce SQ (Spiritual quotient) to you. Do you have an eye for the spiritual? When you look at the world, do you see only space and time, mass and energy, logic and reason? Or do you also see connectivity and design, purpose and meaning, faith and mystery? Indeed, in many ways, our Spiritual Quotient is shaping up to be more important than even our Intelligence Quotient. Our devoutness to God appears to be a fairly reliable interpreter of how well we’ll do, not just in school or the job market, but in life as a whole, which ultimately is what matters most. 

Ohio State University psychologist Robert Arkin states: “The cycle of materialistic pursuits is disappointing and exhausting in the long run and can make people perpetually unhappy.” To counter this most of us confine to spiritual disciplines and follow rituals by worshiping money, prosperity, creation items as God. Think about it, and commit yourself to a God who is worthy to sustain peace and cohesiveness. 

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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Are you a branded product?

You Are Not a BrandYou Are a Person.

We live in an age where brand matters a lot and majority of us are familiar with all major brands in the market. I know we are all aware that there are countless online markets and they are at our finger tips today. The uniqueness about it is, that it identifies and remembers your choice while you browse and the next time when you look for a product it displays the product of your choice including the brand.

What people have done is that they have taken the marketing side of it and applied to people. They think you are a product or service. In today’s job environment the competition is so high, they suggest that you reorganize yourself for today’s environment. You are in a pressure to brand yourself and target your life with effectiveness in order to achieve your career and sell yourself.

Let me ask you, are you just a product or a service? You are much more than that, you are a person. May be the market reduced you to skills and talent but you are deeper than that. The image and brand stuff are very temporary, it is good for career development but it is not good for character. If you are reduced to a product and services that diminishes your person-hood, if it reduces you to skills or talents that diminishes your uniqueness.

God says “you are His masterpiece”. Be a person of value to you, to others and most importantly to God. This will give you the ultimate joy and satisfaction of being a good person and being useful.

Your personal brand should represent the value you are able to consistently deliver to those whom you are serving. Managing your personal brand requires you to be a great role model, mentor, and / or a voice that others can depend upon.

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

"More Please"

‘More Please’ is the title of the autobiography of Dame Edna Everage, a character created and performed by Australian comedian Barry Humphries. He writes that these two words, ‘More please’, were his first intelligible utterance.

He went on to say, ‘I have always wanted more. I never had enough milk or money or socks or sex or holidays or first editions or solitude or gramophone records or free meals or real friends or guiltless pleasure or neckties or applause or unquestioning love. Of course, I have always had more than my share of most of these commodities but it always left me with a vague feeling of unfulfillment: where was the rest?

Greed has many faces, but speaks one language: the language of more. Epicurus noted, “Nothing is enough for the man to whom" enough is too little.”. In the name of pleasure and relaxation people try alcohol, cigars, usage of substance, finding intimate pleasures in all wrong places. People can become pleasure addicts – always seeking the next fix. But these experiences of pleasure come and go. The wrong sources of finding MORE of any kind can only lead to acts that are detrimental to oneself and others as time passes.

Let us not confuse pleasure with contentment and joy, nor try replacing the same. ‘Contentment’ is a longer term – being satisfied with your life, your home, your job and your relationships. But there is another kind of happiness that we call ‘Joy’. It is not a fleeting emotion, but a deep way of being – a state of mind that is available to everybody. It is not found in things, but in a Person.

Seeking pleasure for ourselves will always leave us with ‘a vague feeling of unfulfillment’. If you notice, it is mostly the spiritual vacuum that we try to replace with more stuff and wrong pleasures. Note, your quest for MORE can only end when you find God the savior. The peace  of God can fill our hearts and our family with joy and contentment which cannot be substituted.  Scripture says, "True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.".

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