Sunday, April 14, 2019

Making Right Choices!

A life without choices means someone else makes a decision about how you spend your time each day, like what you do and when you do it.  It is not easy especially standing on a crossroad and have to make a decision that can have a serious impact in overall life. Some of your decisions will be so routine that you make them without giving them much thought. But difficult or challenging decisions demand more considerations. These are the sort of decisions that involves:

Uncertainty – Many of the facts may be unknown
Complexity – There can be many interrelated factors to consider.
High-risk consequences – The impact of the decisions may be significant.
Alternatives - There may be various alternatives, each with its own set off uncertainties and consequences.
Interpersonal issues -You need to predict how different people will react.

The magnitude of each areas may differ in every case; therefore, you cannot use the same strategy you may have used the last time. There are various tools available to make good decisions in terms of business and in an organization. But what about life choices? Choices about choosing right friends, adapting a habit, respecting and valuing one another, treating people with dignity, etc.  

Making right choices every time depends upon one’s personal belief system and the core values he holds on to. The core values and moral ethics plays a major part while making right choices and deciding on things right from personal to family and in the business world. If those are properly defined and structured, then to a larger extent the choices made will make good sense and impact the consequences of the decisions made. And mind, this can only be done through the help of God who modeled rich and divine values and lived a holy life.

Shive Khera in his book ‘You can win’ remarks, “we don’t need more academic education; we need more value education. I would stress that a person who is morally educated will be a lot better equipped to move up in life or succeed than a morally bankrupt person.”. Let’s not forget this, the effects of the choices will definitely influence your family, the larger community and your workplace too. Jesus' statement powerfully emphasizes when He said “Treat others as you would like them to treat you”. Looks so simple but powerful. Good positive values are rich and sublime connected to the characteristics of God. Make Right choices and live better.

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