Sunday, February 23, 2020

Growing inside!

When it comes to humans, we have parameters to assess a good person and one living up to the standard. It varies with our expectations from others. But the fact is, the real quality of a person can be determined in two ways:

1. His investments, and
2. His associations.

If we observe where one splurges his/her money or with whom one often associates, we can pretty fast predict the kind of person he/she is.

Paul Enenche in his book ‘21 Foolish Things People Do’ puts this beautifully “Wise people spend their money to upgrade their life. Wise people spend their money on good things that which is enriching to oneself and for noble causes too. They invest in information, in knowledge and in study. Foolish people spend their money on what can make them feel good at the moment. They spend on what can make them look good at the moment. They spend on what can make them feel like they belong at the moment. Their destiny is limited.”.

People today have ample of options and ways to engage themselves in what satisfies them for the moment. Young people have countless opportunities. Most of their financial investments and time is toward relationships, dating, giving gifts and pleasing each other. They follow their instincts. They think it is their right to enjoy their youth and feed their emotions with unfulfilling stuff that sucks them into a black hole till they end up emotionally bankrupt.

The next thing that impacts the life of someone is with whom they associate. Mind matters. Especially, the wrong ones have a greater impact in one’s life. The Bible says “Bad company corrupts good morals”.

It is important to note that anytime you stop growing internally, you will stop growing externally. When you stop growing in revelation and information, you really stop growing indeed. You cannot be stagnant inside and move forward outside and vice versa, you cannot move forward inside and be stagnant outside. Every time there is an improvement inside, there will certainly be an improvement outside.

The Bible says, “But a noble person plans noble things; he stands up for noble causes.”. If you notice many with wealth and high status are trying to find wrong pleasures from wrong sources. They end up becoming weary and finally switch to nobler causes like helping the poor. 

It's undeniable that we are made in the image of God, with a moral compass instilled in our heart to do what is right and enrich each another. Till we follow what God has instilled in our hearts we will not find peace and lasting joy. Don’t drag yourself to the point of despair and then scramble back to what promises peace.

You can have the peace and lasting happiness when you connect to God the savior.

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