Sunday, June 14, 2020

Joy Stealers!

We all have our own share of challenges which we go through, the intensity may vary from person to person but no one can imagine a problem free life. Let me list out three reasons that has a potential to spoil our happiness.

Tomorrows Fear:  If you notice most of our energy is expended in thinking how our tomorrows will look like. The negatives flood in as fear surfaces which disturbs our socio emotional health. Do we realize tomorrow is not guaranteed? Life is limited and uncertain. You can calm the emotions of your heart by trusting God the one who has made us. The wealth and all the resources we possess cannot assure peace and eliminate fear. God makes provision for all. The Bible says, “do not be anxious about tomorrow.”. Well you may say it is easy to be quoted of such beautiful hope but practically it is impossible. Let me tell you there is no hope beside God and this Corona has taught us that strongly.

Present Burden: Generally, the mothers & housewives at homes will tell the challenges they face when it comes to managing things for the day. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. How often, for many the day starts with a burden over so many things to get accomplished. By the end of the day it can actually be draining. And the present burden sometimes changed to be a never-ending problem. Jesus made this strong claim, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”. Does it call to covert? Absolutely no! The problem is we put our religious belief in boxes and we assume we need to fall in some category of creed. God should mean relationship not proselytizing. Do we hear that? It is all about relationship that makes the difference.

Past Regrets: This is another area where many struggle because of the mistakes they have committed, guilt accumulated and live in depression and privation. For that matter, no one is perfect and we all end up committing mistakes. Our past guilt and sin problem cannot be addressed by external factors or visiting a shrine, though temporarily we may find some peace. It is a heart issue and a spiritual problem which may have to be dealt at an entirely different level. The Bible warns us that the wages of sin is death. We need to be freed from our guilt to live happily and peacefully. Would you consider looking unto a God who can forgive your sins and set you free from all your guilt?

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