Sunday, February 4, 2024

Tell me something that I don't know!


Digital age is all about propaganda, bragging, displaying about oneself. Personal information is shared for fun, to find dates, to show oneself marketable, worthy and merchandising. However, it’s strictly restricted to the good and the better side of an individual, whereas the bad and the ugly side of self remains hidden mostly within the individual. Fyoder Dostoevsky in his writing states, “There are things which a man is afraid to tell even to himself, and every decent man has a number of such things stored away in his mind.”. And Fyoder is truthful. Even the best decent person by definition, may struggle to address and eradicate the uglier side stored securely within the heart of a person.

If you were to ask someone you know well the phrase, ‘tell me something I don’t know about you,’. It will stop the person in their tracks, stunned for a moment. In the digital age of dating, exposing physically, being promiscuous, divulging private information to sound attractive are all too common and adds momentum to the excitement. Eventually, the hidden selfish agenda raises its hood, revealing the true intention and spirit of the relationship. All want to grab and possess things whether relationships or material things. John Scott states this so precisely, Every heresy is due to an overemphasize upon some truths to qualify and balance it.”. Just because some truths are overemphasized, doesn’t mean the wrong intention and motives become sane and noble.

The hidden, unrepented selfish thoughts reveal their ugly intentions overtime and derail relationships or mar them. Purity, sincerity, authenticity and honesty are those that don’t happen naturally or nurtured overtime. It cannot be a lifestyle with practice. The underlying problem of sin needs to be addressed. Religious activity of any sort, magnificent or fancy or legendary cannot sanitise the intention of human heart. None of the spiritual belief system have a formula to make a person sane and saint. The detoxifying or the cleansing of the conscience and the impurity of hearts are not based on any good works or religious practices. Those are some disciplines, but a pure heart is the result of the cleansing of the heart. And only Jesus holds the authority to forgive sins and clean our hearts. Study His life, His birth, the way He lived, His death and resurrection you will be, for sure, enlightened by truth. He is the only resurrected Saviour who lived a holy life and conquered death by rising from the grave. This is an undeniable fact. It is recorded in the Bible, “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”. And how does that happen? Very simple, confess your sins and ugly intentions to Him and invite Him into your heart. You will become a new person. What you would be left with is to share your amazing story of transformation to the world.

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