Sunday, July 26, 2020

Disappointed being good?

In the world of varied cultures, multiple religion, diverse ethnicities, we have established our own creed, logic and philosophies as to how one can become good. Even an ordinary person on this planet thinks he knows a way to become good. I wish every human being on earth contemplates on becoming good and takes all effort to be a good human being. Sadly, human goodness fails to be good in its true sense. The ultimate breakdown of human failure in becoming good is resulting in undesirable consequences today. Yet, it is important that we strive to unleash the goodness in us in order to heal one another and heal our land from this deadly pandemic outside, and the infection of sin inside us.

To my observation the reason for not being able to sustain the goodness is because we are trying to attach a reward to becoming good. The problem is one expects everything to go well with them when they strive and become good. This thought process is false and not guaranteed. Even the basic premise of religion says, that if you try hard to be good, things will go well for you. It's is a flawed philosophy. If you read the Bible, you will notice that Jesus lived a perfect life, yet He suffered. He suffered during the rule of Pontius Pilate which is historically recorded. It is recorded that after Pilate carefully examined Jesus remarked, “.. I found no fault in this man concerning those things of which you accuse Him.”. (Bible). And if you study the history of Jesus you will notice that He was the epitome of perfection and holiness.

You cannot always attach a reward to anything and everything. Everything cannot be reduced to a commodity though it seems that way. Just because things are not promising, do not abandon your aspiration to become or remain good. Another important factor to be considered is that our goodness has to be attached to God whose moral and ethical values are beyond human comprehension. All I am saying is that it is crucial to relate oneself to God not religion, because if the good in human being is marred, it is religion that needs to be blamed actually. Let me pose this question, who introduced caste system and branding God’s creation as untouchables? Is it not religion? Therefore, if you notice the way we categorize every individual is biased and based on the classification given by religion. 

God should be beyond these man-made scams of classifying people and dumping one another. Reach out to a Savior who exemplified ultimate goodness and complemented it with divine love. Do you know you replicate who you worship? Do not limit God to your imagination attaching reward and benefit to everything. Such a thing can make you happy temporarily and when you realize it's unrewarding, you abandon being good in the process. 

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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Is fear Natural?

We are all in a journey moving forward. Survival is one of the components of life but not the ultimate goal. We are God’s unique creation privileged to be part of this beautiful universe and with human connection. We all face challenges and we do have ups and downs, but life carries on for each one of us in its own special way. One of the biggest challenges we all face is fear when we keep progressing especially. At times we notice things are falling apart and we have less control over it.

Fear is a universal experience. Even the smallest insect feels it. It’s not a terrible thing that we feel fear when faced with the unknown. It is part of being alive, something we all share. We react against the possibility of loneliness, of death, of not having anything to hold on to. Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.

Here comes the God factor, when naturally we are inclined towards God to address our fear, we use religions as a gateway to reach God for help. Let us understand, embarking on the spiritual journey is like getting into a very small boat and setting out on the ocean to search for unknown lands. With wholehearted practice comes inspiration, but sooner or later we will also encounter fear.

Alice Walker puts this beautifully, ‘Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.’.

We have always imagined God as a means to achieve our ambition, fulfill our wants, which most of the time turns out to be selfish ones, fill our money bags with cash, use it for our entertainment, use it to destroy lives, create human domination, use it to gain political strength and to intimidate one another. When things are slightly different from our expectations as we experience currently, battling with pandemic and catastrophe breaking upon us, we feel under powered.

Bible cautions us and at the same time assures us on abundant life. It says, “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”. You have a fair chance to make a choice to put your trust on God and find balance and serenity in life.

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Intimate Truth!

What is that in us that makes us want to believe in a lie? Is it our ignorance? Or our superficial life style? Or our selfishness? Yes, you heard it right - selfishness. Our believing in a lie could start off as ignorance but even after knowing the truth we still want to go with the lie because we have got comfortable with it or we want to be accepted by the majority.

God our Heavenly Creator made us for one simple reason, to have a relationship with Him. The catch here is once we have a relationship with God we have to mirror His character in our day to day life. This is the most inconvenient part in this demand. So as humans best do, we have taken the short cut to having various religious rituals. Here starts our selfishness. Because we want to carry on with our agendas and not follow God's commands, we have created rituals which are a lie. Let's be honest! Do you really think if we perform some ritual we can become pure with having zero intimacy with God. We have come to believe the lie that by being ritualistic we are intimate with God. The means has replaced the destination. That's a big "NO" my friends.

God says in the Bible, "I am the way, the truth and the life." God our creator made life simple for us being the embodiment of truth but we find it so hard to believe our obeisance to God could be that simple by accepting Him as "The Truth." The very fact of the statement makes us stagger because we have believed in a lie for generations that an all powerful God demands complicated worship. We thought we could fool God by all our rituals but not surrendering our true self to Him. We prefer to give importance to rituals and continue with our depravity of mind but never wanting to surrender ourselves to God because deep down we know we need a major overhauling. 

My friends, let start being honest with God. For starters let's be truthful to our Heavenly Maker. All He expects from us is an intimate relationship with the one He created " fearfully and wonderfully". Begin to give importance to Him keeping your selfishness aside and change yourself if needed. Your rituals are not going to take you to heaven. It's your intimacy with Him.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

When God becomes an option..

When people have multiple choices in life eventually God becomes an option. You may be among others wondering if it is really necessary to take time out from the daily chores and spend time with God when things are all going well? Or you may be similar to people who think God should understand what they go through, especially when they go through difficult times. Apparently, some claim God should pitch in and help them in their troubled times, keep them happy and give long life with all blessings (which defines as extravagant wealth most of the time).

Now, I may be forced to define many factors if I seriously delve into this subject. For example, who you define God as? Where do you think is His abode (as the general understanding is that God is confined to religious buildings and for some, an allotted place in their houses). How is God different from you? In some cultures, people consider one another as Gods, irrespective of people being mere human. In some countries the powerful ones, the dictators force people to look up to them as God.

Now let me state my case, the major and clear demarcation one has to make before worshiping God is to separate Creator from the Creation, failing which even human beings try to make an attempt to place oneself in the position of God and customize the  moral values and moral standard based on their own specification.

God is not a formula or an equation nor He can be based on somebody's fantasy and imagination that is just worth narrating to the kids.  I am also not talking about religion which is merely defined by structures, systems and rituals, I am addressing to a God who defined morality and holiness and the one who made an atonement for our sin. You can neither attain your salvation through your good works (which is simply not possible), nor it is logical to place the faith on a God who is confined to only a particular period of time. But you need a God who lived among people and after His death resurrected and wants to live in our heart. The Bible cites the statement of Jesus when He said, “..Because I live, you will live.”.

Don’t make God an option. The breath you have is from God. Don’t take life for granted!
The moment people start defending religion they start putting one religion over the other based on majority of followers, number of gods, how big and magnificent the shrine is and number of visitors to the shrine. God and religion cannot be succumbed to feelings, and emotions alone, but on facts and experience.