Sunday, December 2, 2018

When counterfeit looks real!

We have moved to an era where the virtual world is trying to replace the reality in all aspects. We are almost there. The inventions of smartphones, smart robots have done a great job contributing towards the substitutions. A decade ago, playing outdoor games, like soccer, cricket, cycling etc. was fun, energizing and satisfying. We were physically fit, agile and connected. 

Now with SMARTPHONE in our hands, majority of our children including adults still play outdoor games but not anymore on the fields but as indoor games on their smart phones. We are depleting physically and emotionally but have never given a serious thought about it. We are proud to use and give the smartest and most expensive phones to our children while they are toddlers.

Technology is getting more and more successful in eliminating the human companionship with gadgets, especially with smart phones and robots. We are soon becoming a victim of virtual world and staying alone and pushed into isolation. We respect and value the virtual time more than people. Since we believe we live in a time with high corruption in every arena therefore we feel secure to eliminate people from our lives. When we want, we use people like things, most often from our vantage point only. I do strongly believe technology and smartphones have made life easier but definitely not successful in building stronger and healthier community.  

The inventions of robots replacing and substituting human lives is gaining full attention. Relationships are substituted, because there isn't a demand for commitment and the power of evil works best in this context. Recent trend is where people are looking for an opportunity to buy robots and have it as their fiancee or wife. They are able to trust and be intimate with it physically and emotionally than real lives.  A toy will not have a sense of morality or a sense of right and wrong, unlike the amazing creation of God - the human being. 

We live in an age where we have power to design and make technology that suits our ego and budget. Now, the technology is playing its game to eliminate human being from every dimension. We set standards to God and make him comply to our whims and fancies, which is a scary prospect indeed.  Check this brilliant quote, “I do not want a God who is only right when I am right, but I want a God who is right even when I am wrong.”.

Check this Video, the statistics  are alarming.  Man dating Robot on a long term basis
Click the "Life Redefined' link for more thoughts and videos
Life Redefined

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