Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hope - The need of the hour!

As the nation continues to combat with the pandemic, we are desperately waiting for the Government, science and health departments to soon come up with appropriate measures to keep this Pandemic from affecting lives and ensure protection. The fear of death has gripped every heart, however famous and powerful one might be. Let me reiterate, Coronavirus did not introduce death to this world, death already existed.

The Bible records God did not intend to create people and want them dead. It was the first man who disobeyed and tampered with the freedom of choice that resulted in sin and death being introduced. The Bible states, “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way, death came to all people, because all sinned.”. Do you know that it is estimated approximately 150,000 people die each day across the globe?

No one is excluded, no one is spared of the risk. I emphasize this phrase quite often  “No one is completely free from the risk”, because it reminds us that we are all human, however divine we may try to pose ourselves. We don’t have control over death. Many rose over a period of time and claimed to have the answer to man’s problem, gained a big following, but were utter failures because they couldn’t guarantee their own immortality. After their death ‘Trusts’ were formed, faith was institutionalized, and sadly in many cases faith was also commercialized.

The great religious meetings which were conducted in the past has now switched to the virtual platform keeping hold of their followers, but no one has an answer to the problem. The best measures are still not a fool proof method. Let us understand we are not on the other side of the situation where we can guarantee things, but just predicting things to create a difference.

We definitely need divine intervention. We need God to be merciful unto us, forgive our grave sins, grant life and that too life in abundance. Since the Bible states, through one man many were made sinners and death was the result, it also states that through one-man's death on the cross we were made righteous and we find life.  There is hope in God and our lives do not merely end on this earth. Let us look unto God in humility and ask for His divine forgiveness and restoration.

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