Sunday, June 21, 2020

Chasing After The Wind!

It's too disheartening to know that an young Indian actor Sushant Singh Rajput we see on screens gallivanting happily could suddenly take away his life and be seen no more. An actor who dies of sickness itself is heart breaking but one who is young and healthy takes away his life leaves a lot of unanswered questions in us. What could possibly be going wrong in a person's life that pushes him to tragically take his life? Is it that he is not good looking? Or in poverty? Or has no one to love him? Or has no family? It's too complicated for ordinary people like us to place our fingers on.

We end up blaming the world or society in which they were in. But is it truly the world or society to be blamed? What is it in us that makes us go so empty that we come to a conclusion that life is not worth living? Yes life can be tough, life can be so cruel but life has a purpose. We all want to make our life meaningful aligning ourselves to what the world demands, there starts our tug-of-war. We fail to understand we have to align our life to a higher being who is responsible for our existence in the first place. Because of our disalignment, our inner self struggles to comply with all that the world demands. The world raises it's narcissistic hood like a snake and strikes before we realise it. At this point our responsibility to God to fulfill His purpose seems like an alien proposition.

Wake up, my friends! We are an inch away from being sucked into the empty chasm that people go through before ending there life. Submit yourself humbly before your maker as the world today can give you multiple reasons to not live another day. It is only with your Heavenly Creator's help can you silence the inner voices, which force you to give up. We have a Saviour who says "Come unto me those who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Your saviour is no person or thing. Your Saviour is your Heavenly Father who created you for a purpose and has bestowed you with gifts that fulfill the very same purpose. Surrender yourself to Him and ask Him. He is willing to reveal it to you wholeheartedly.

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(Guest writer- Sarah)

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