Sunday, October 25, 2020


We all fall in a bracket by getting used to do things that doesn’t always require our emotions and conscience to do what we do. Out of practice and part of a regular schedule we keep doing many things to which a larger extent fetches us a reward and compensation which is as a result of a job or a business, but still there are many activities that remain meaningless and it is done as part of our tradition and upbringing. In that some of the activities includes fulfilling religious rites and rituals too.

Most of the things people do is for temporary sustenance and majority of it to make them happy. The philosophy of existentialism, living for a day and making one secure by wealth is the ultimate goal to a larger extent. People indulge in many things to mitigate the vacuum in their heart not knowing wealth, commodity and relationship do not guarantee any of it permanently.  

Every happiness we work towards in this world is so temporary because life in this world itself is temporary. Let me give you an example, we all have smart phones and sometimes when we get fascinated with a particular sight, we capture it and carefully preserve it and then the excitement of the same sight once excited us is no more a big thrill after a period of time. The excitement gets lost quickly or replaced by another scenery.

One Augustine said in his confession that “all men want to be happy” and do what they do in order to be happy. But not all are happy, because they do not seek happiness in the place where it can be found. The Bible tells us where it can be found. The source of happiness is in God’s presence (not referring to the religious building) and its receptor in man’s heart which is why the Bible again and again demands the heart to be holy and pure as it becomes the abode of God. Every wrongdoing is a sin that can disturb the spiritual balance in human heart.

In one of the beatitudes of Jesus it reads, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”. Forgiveness of sin and salvation cannot be obtained by taking a dip in the river, visiting the religious buildings or going to a confession box as some Christian churches practice. It is just by believing the salvation offered in the cross of Calvary. It is a gift of God. You have the privilege to acknowledge and accept the same.

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