Sunday, July 25, 2021

In search of 'trouble free zone'.


The harder we try to find a place free of troubles or challenges the harder it gets. We have created 'zones' like pubs, theatres, malls and gaming arcades to spend our time to keep our worries at bay and replacing them with momentary fun. But once we leave those zones our worries come flooding back ferocious than before and push us to greater depths of depression and gloom. Alcohol, smoking and opioids are other forms of pleasures transporting us to an ecstasy world for a very short time and then promptly kicks us back to reality. Thus, the problem of pleasure can be defined this way. Every time we go back to what we thought was happiness, we have to dig our feet much deeper in the sand the next time to derive more satisfaction than in the previous attempt and it is less satisfying.

The proverbs of Solomon (the wisest king in the Bible) records, “Everything is wearisome beyond description.”. He was a king who enjoyed enormous wealth, indulged in every form of pleasure imaginable and available at his time and yet at the end of everything his analysis was that everything is wearisome beyond description. There is no ingenious invention that can guarantee a ‘constant state of happiness’ in other words there is nothing that exists called a 'no trouble zone.' Arrogant to accept this, we have created our own happiness and have become miserable failures. The fact is there are sufficient resources for happiness and man is powerful enough to purchase his definition of happiness. However, the unfortunate reality is that we will never be satisfied. We see this in the second part of the same verse mentioned in the beginning of the paragraph which says, “The eye is not satisfied by seeing or the ear filled with hearing.”. There we go! Our eye can never be satisfied by anything that we define as the source of contentment.

So where is this "no trouble zone"? Is it something that exists? My answer is yes and it begins in your mind. It's not about eliminating desire or lowering our expectations. It sounds philosophically good but discipline does not help us attain this state of mind. We are all born with innate desire to attain what we want and to enjoy luxury that comes in any form. Irrespective of all the trouble and crisis we can still have peace and contentment in our mind and heart. For that we need a Big God to fill our hearts with satisfaction. Not religion! Religion comes with varied obligations and dictates us to get satisfaction from it. The Bible says, “the fashion of this world is passing away.”. Our sinful passion can only create craving for more worldly things. Jesus says in the Bible that only an exclusive relationship with Him can transform our hunger preferences and we will have absolute joy and contentment, which “No one will take your joy from you.”.

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