Sunday, June 19, 2022

A True Father’s Love!


As people throughout the world celebrate Father’s day, my heart goes out to those, who lost their fathers during the pandemic season. Life has always remained unpredictable and especially during the pandemic times it was even more difficult to sustain life. And as surviving family members are grappling to sustain themselves, I pray and wish they find necessary support and blessing from above, to move forward. 

There are Fathers, who are very active in the lives of their children. They take special interest in all the affairs of their children displaying hope, confidence and love to them. It is so important that a child receives love and support from both the parents all the time. There are many fathers who are not very active in the lives of the children but are just there. Probably they have their own struggle to make ends meet. Work life is so hectic, demanding and tiring, and at the same time less rewarding. And Fathers face the brunt of it. In spite of all challenges, there are fathers who invest in the lives of their children and display a good role model to the children. Such children are truly able to exhibit their best potential to excel academically and in their career.

There is also another category of fathers who are abusive and irresponsible. We read in news of fathers abusing their own children physically, sexually, emotionally and verbally. Some children are really struggling to make it and are forced to live a miserable life. Its not a surprise in today’s world if a Father sells his own daughter. The world we live in is the effect of gross evil as we are born with a sinful nature. People try their best to live a holy life through self-discipline, rituals, meditation, putting on external enhancements as a religious mandate hoping these will have an effect on them.  But people don’t realise it just doesn’t work that way. It is time we find the True Father and experience His love in our lives.

Jesus, God incarnated has left a true standard of a Father in all sense.  The Bible records the God of the Bible as “One God, and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”. Further the words of Jesus as recorded in the scriptures says, “…You have one father, who is in heaven.”. This God truly proved that He is the Father. He is the only person in history who claimed to be God lived a holy life and kept himself from marrying. He proved that it would be illegitimate for a father to marry His own daughter who is God’s creation. And it would be an incest and a gross immorality.

Would you acknowledge Him as your Father? He is willing to accept you and keep you safe in His hands from all evil and secure you for eternal abode, the heaven. Maybe there are many who are blessed to have a great fathers compared to many who don’t experience the same. But let me remind you, we all have our Heavenly Father alive; His resurrection has proved it. He promises that you are in His hands and no one would be able to snatch you out of His hand. The Bible says, we have received the spirit of adoption by whom we call Him, “Abba Father”.  You can call Him as father and ask Him in your words to come into your heart and fill your heart with peace, happiness and purpose. I guarantee, you will experience a transformation.


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1 comment:

  1. There is 1 father who is in heaven ...HE IS OUR PROVIDER & PROTECTOR
