Sunday, January 1, 2023

A year of Hope-2023!


Are you contemplating on how the new year is going to be? Probably for some 2022 was a great year with all dreams fulfilled, finding a new job, promotions, great perks, new heights in business, revived relationships, new connections and so on. But on the other side there would also be many who are moving forward with disappointments, regrets, job loss or death of a family member. If you are feeling hopeless and struggling with loneliness or probably confused, not sure what to expect, don't lose heart. Let me remind you that you are still breathing when millions have ceased to exist.

Victor Kiam puts it so beautifully, "even if you fall flat on your face, you're still moving forward.". Crisis, heartbreak and pain would continue to accompany us irrespective of our position and possession. As long as you have breath, keep moving! You are not alone, nor you are far from the sight of the almighty God; the maker. He will watch over you if you submit your life in His hand. He has a definite purpose in your life, i.e., to transform you and nourish your soul so that it connects with the saviour always. Don't just exist to survive, but be in the process of becoming a better person who adds value to others and able to influence love, peace and harmony.

Do you know that it is possible to be rich, big and successful but not that easy to be good, godly, kind and to add value in the lives of the people and fulfilling God's purpose in your life? Since spirituality is just a matter of rites and rituals today, it has not added much value to our character nor has it transformed us as a person. Don't get lost in making money, finding career, reaching unimaginable heights but failing to live for the maker who made you. Spurgeon states, "to make a man healthy in body and wealthy in estate, to educate his mind, and train his faculties, all these are good, but in comparison with the salvation of the soul, they sink into insignificance.". To know the true living God and establish a meaningful relationship with Christ Jesus is your greatest accomplishment in life. He has promised a fulfilled life. Jesus stated, “I came that they may have life and life in abundance.”. When you trust Him and accept Him as your saviour, the blueprint of your life will unfold and be visible to you. There’s no coincidence with God. All things happen because He allows them to happen. He honors our free will, even if our will goes against His plan for us. The Bible says, “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.”

Trust Him and make your heart His dwelling place in this year 2023. You will not be disappointed at all. A small tip from Rich Villados is worth pondering, "Whenever anxiety surfaces, you may find this acronym helpful (REST) to be helpful to move you beyond reactivity:

REFLECT: on the source of your anxiety

EXPLORE: your own values on the matter

SEEK: out others you can process with

TRUST: that God can give you grace for hard moments

And I would want to conclude with the thought from Amy Carmichael who stated, "It is a safe thing to trust Him to fulfil the desires which He creates.". May God bless you and wishing you a Happy new year 2023.

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