Sunday, April 2, 2023

Death that changed history!


More than one third of the world population is going to soon observe Good Friday. A day which celebrates the event of a sinless, spotless and a holy man who offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the entire mankind. He surrendered himself to the hands of weak, mortal, humans who fabricated false allegations to get rid of him because He had a large crowd following him at that time, healing their various sickness and raising people from the dead and calling himself the Messiah.

This event is having been debated to find discrepancies by Scholars, historians, and scientists, later only to conclude that his resurrection is an undeniable fact in entire human history. Every single detail is recorded by four prominent gospel writers who wrote within 50 to 60 years of Jesus' resurrection and ascension. The Bible was the earliest book where the writers who witnessed and recorded within next 90 AD. This is the unique BOOK and all-time highest seller in entire human history because this was written by 40 authors over a period of 1,500 years from three continents, Asia, Europe and Africa and yet, absolutely with no contradiction in terms of events, prophecies, places and persons. I wish you could read once and find the perspective of the true meaning of life from a sinless man in human history.

The events of his crucifixion and the purpose of his sacrifice is also found in Rig Veda and several other books. 

Speaking of this Savior and God incarnate, the sages call Him Purusha shubham (blameless and Holy person), Balwaan raja gaurang shweta vastrakam (sovereign king in a holy person robed in white) Yeesh putra (Son of God ), Kumari garbha sambhavam (one who is born of a virgin), and Satya Varatha Paraayanam (one who is the sustainer of the path of truth).

Rigveda, the first scripture, also presents Christ without mentioning His name, but referring to Him as the Word who is God. The Bible refers to it this way, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 CSB 

The Supreme Leader who is the cause and governor of all creation who to protect and save sinful mankind, Himself appeared upon the earth wrapped in a body that is Holy and without sin. (Rigveda 10.125). Rigveda also refers to the Suffering and Death of Christ who underwent immeasurable physical and mental pain when he was crucified. The Hindu scriptures highlight his physical suffering. Some of these statements seem to refer to Christ because there was no god or goddess who bore such suffering on behalf of sinners. Here are few excerpts:

>The crown of thorns was placed on his head: “The sacrificial victim is to be crowned with a crown made of thorny vines” (Rigveda 10.90.7, 15). This happened and is recorded in John 19:2 in the Bible.

>His clothes were divided among those who offered him. “After death, His clothes are to be divided among the offerors” (Ithareya Brahmanam). This happened and is recorded in John 19:23 in the Bible.

>The person tied to a wooden cross: “His hands and legs are to be bound to a yoopa (a wooden pole) causing blood shed” (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, 3.9.28). This talks about his crucifixion recorded in this Mark 15:21-41 in the Bible. 

>While the victim was at his greatest agony on the cross, he was given a herbal drink which had an intoxicating effect: “Before death, He should be given a drink of somarasa” [an intoxicating herbal juice] (Yajur Veda 31). Jesus was offered a bitter drink at the cross. This was recorded in the Bible by the following gospel writers (Matthew 27:48, Mark 15:36, and John 19:29)

>Though the victim was hung on the wooden cross, none of his bones were broken: “None of His bones be broken” (Ithareya Brahmanam 2.6). (Recorded in John 19:23 in the Bible.)

Bible records “without shedding the blood, there is no remission for sin.” Hebrew 9:15. That must be the blood of the Holy one. God is our creator. He is our King. When we were perishing, He came to save us by offering even his own body on our behalf. (Maha Brahmanam 4.15 & Sama veda, part 2, Thandiya Maha Brahmanam  in Hindu scriptures) 

Jesus’ death on the cross is not just the historical happening witnessed and recorded in Bible but a message that invites us to accept his sacrifice and experience forgiveness from all sins and guilt. You don't have to struggle and find ways to have your sins forgiven. He has already done it and He is alive. You just need to accept the forgiveness and initiate a fellowship with Him through prayer and reading the Bible to experience a safe destiny. Your destiny rests on Him.


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