Sunday, May 5, 2024

Is radical change a camouflage?

Have you come across people who have transformed in their personality? It could be that they have decided to change their habits to be more appealing to others. There are those who were deep in their addiction to smoking and alcoholism and had given up overnight. The reasons could be that they decide to modify their lifestyle or have made the decision not to hurt their loved ones anymore. There are changes that are radical and transform a person for life or some changes are just temporary.


People with chronic addiction justify their life-threatening habits. However, the real reason is that their heart is not at peace, and they don’t find joy and happiness in any area of life. Their life becomes a large jigsaw puzzle with different pieces mixed and matched for survival but eventually the pieces don’t fit together, making their lives an utter confusion. Their life recipe is cooked in a large pot of influence by friends, families, mainstream media, social media. Nancy Guthrie gives a perspective on why our life is gloomy, “Sometimes we wonder why we aren’t happy, why we make sinful choices, why we feel distant from God. Often, it’s because we have small thoughts of ourselves, our wants, our rights, and our accomplishments.”.


We have numerous resources for inspiration, like self-help books, motivational gurus, and religious places. However, these can help only so far but are not sustainable. The fact of the matter is we hardly change. We keep repeating the same mistake often, only in different newer ways. We do what we want to do and get what we want at all costs. We find new ways to get them and rationalize our actions and wants. Brad Brisco states, “Living out of the false self creates a compulsive desire to present a perfect image to the public so that everybody will admire us, and nobody will know us.”. We camouflage our sin and live comfortably as long as we keep looking good to others.


Charles Bukowski states, “False morality is the disease of a people who are told what to think and how to act from an early beginning.”. Therefore, true change of behavior is rare to witness. Until one is truly convicted for the need to change, all other changes are mere camouflages and shift based on circumstances. The problem of sin remains unaddressed. The Bible states, “the soul who sins shall die.”. Guilt reveals its ugly face as our sin torments our heart and mind. Our heart needs to be cleansed and purified by a true God. Only then can we find joy and happiness. Our hearts can only be at rest only by finding true forgiveness. If we fail to experience this process, we are sure to return to our sinful lifestyle quickly. Jesus has made a provision to forgive our sins when we confess to Him. He was not a mere human who was like god but a God who came in human form and died on the cross for the sins of mankind. True divine transformation can happen only with the intervention of this divine God.





Making a commitment 



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