Sunday, October 25, 2020


We all fall in a bracket by getting used to do things that doesn’t always require our emotions and conscience to do what we do. Out of practice and part of a regular schedule we keep doing many things to which a larger extent fetches us a reward and compensation which is as a result of a job or a business, but still there are many activities that remain meaningless and it is done as part of our tradition and upbringing. In that some of the activities includes fulfilling religious rites and rituals too.

Most of the things people do is for temporary sustenance and majority of it to make them happy. The philosophy of existentialism, living for a day and making one secure by wealth is the ultimate goal to a larger extent. People indulge in many things to mitigate the vacuum in their heart not knowing wealth, commodity and relationship do not guarantee any of it permanently.  

Every happiness we work towards in this world is so temporary because life in this world itself is temporary. Let me give you an example, we all have smart phones and sometimes when we get fascinated with a particular sight, we capture it and carefully preserve it and then the excitement of the same sight once excited us is no more a big thrill after a period of time. The excitement gets lost quickly or replaced by another scenery.

One Augustine said in his confession that “all men want to be happy” and do what they do in order to be happy. But not all are happy, because they do not seek happiness in the place where it can be found. The Bible tells us where it can be found. The source of happiness is in God’s presence (not referring to the religious building) and its receptor in man’s heart which is why the Bible again and again demands the heart to be holy and pure as it becomes the abode of God. Every wrongdoing is a sin that can disturb the spiritual balance in human heart.

In one of the beatitudes of Jesus it reads, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”. Forgiveness of sin and salvation cannot be obtained by taking a dip in the river, visiting the religious buildings or going to a confession box as some Christian churches practice. It is just by believing the salvation offered in the cross of Calvary. It is a gift of God. You have the privilege to acknowledge and accept the same.

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Sunday, October 18, 2020

What is wrong with the world?


Ask any common man and he has something serious to say about the world. Most of the people think there is something wrong with the culture, ethics, morality, virtues, etiquettes, etc.  The common parameter one tends to use is to compare the present times with the past decades and conclude that people now are worse than in their times. Nobody actually has a complete idea as to who or what is the cause for such drastic crumbling of things. But one thing all agree with is that with so much of advancement in knowledge and technology there is this danger of being cheated and losing things is also very high.

Most of the people have a complaint that their children aren’t listening to them anymore and probably children are indulging in too many secret activities, which can be not just be bad but life threatening.  With technology at their fingertips, children are getting into some form of addiction that once was considered to be an adult issue.

Trustworthiness has become a rare commodity. With any dealings we aren’t sure if we are dealt with honestly or are cheated. As we grow smart, the crimes get smarter and all are looking at the problem blaming every other entity other than themselves. Religion teaches us to stop desiring and goes to an extent, suggesting to replace with a positive behavior. These can be great advice and good philosophies but still the root problem wouldn’t actually go.

Many people are trying to put band-aid to festering wounds. Superficial treatment wouldn’t treat the core root issue. Irrespective of any religion we all have the responsibility to be good stewards of this planet. We all are concerned about the condition of our world and more importantly, the people who live here. But as J. Warner states “it is the supernatural transformation of individual lives as a result of hearing the Gospel that eventually changes the nature of each culture and (ultimately) the condition of our planet. The Biblical claims related to salvation are people-focused claims; individuals are the focus of God’s redemptive work.”.

Our broken relationship and the challenges we witness is not with our environment or with one another; it’s with the creator. As we address the real dilemma, all the other ancillary problems will resolve themselves as we come to understand and embrace the purpose of God. The Bible says, “There is no one righteous, not even one. There is no one who seeks God. All have turned away; all alike have become worthless. There is one who seeks God". When each one of us surrender our brokenness and the sin issues we all battle with God, then Christ forgives us and transforms us to be a new person. A transformed group of people make a transformed community.

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Sunday, October 11, 2020

You Gotto Wash Your Dirty Laundry – Part 2

"Sin is not hurtful because it forbidden. But its forbidden because its hurtful." Ben Franklin. Money, power, fame and beauty will allure us to live life on the edge, especially the Millennials (born between 1981-1996) and Generation Zs (born between 1997-2012) (New York Disrupted by Mac Pier). It blurs the lines of forbiddances and tempts us to stretch them as far as we could. This is exactly what's happening with the celebrities in the film industry. They stretched the lines too far that it snapped and their ground caved in. Bollywood is in the spotlight for its drug cartel and drug abuse and their is no place to hide. Many more are in the danger of being exposed, scrambling for legal advice. Last blog we saw two lessons that we learnt from their shortcomings. Let's see two more:

The third lesson is to wash your "dirty laundry" in private before it becomes public. You have to remove the drapes some time or the other. It is better you remove than wait for to others rip it open. Sin cannot be concealed endlessly. The Bible says, "For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light.". Today, the media trial is merciless and unforgiving. It could care less about the feelings of those involved. There is a conscience that would have warned each person while committing the mistake but they silenced it with pleasure and money. These icons have lost their very credibility that made them icons.

The fourth lesson is use the skills and hard work that God has blessed you with in the right way. I am sure that all those involved in the scandals worked their way up their ladder with hard work and commitment. But was it used to influence people in the positive way? The fury of the fans are understandable because they made icons of these celebrities for their "reel" life portrayal. Deception at the cost of using the public sentiments for their personal survival. Unfortunately, the deception has cheapened their very existence making them worse than those who peddled drugs for them.

Friends, Millennials and Generation Zs, every action of ours has consequences. For the celebrities it is was never about right and wrong. Right and wrong cannot exist apart from the moral giver, i.e. God. A God who embodies truth and justice. It is important we make Him our role model as He is our life giver. Jesus said,".... I have come that so that they may have life and have it in abundance.". Enjoying an abundant life can only be within a moral framework. A framework defined by a true and just God. We can find this only in Jesus. Incidentally, we are prone to sin because we are sinners. The Bible beautifully puts it, "You can't white wash your sins and get by with it; you find mercy by admitting and leaving them.". The world is only a temporary existence. We have a future life of eternity. Do not allow the world to play spoil sport for you to lose this joy of living with God in eternity. Tune up you conscience to God and allow Him to rule your heart. Be popular for being known as the child of God. 

Check Part 1

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Sunday, October 4, 2020

You Gotto Wash Your Dirty Laundry – Part 1


"Sin is sweet in the beginning but bitter in the end" The Talmund. This has come true in the lives of our Bollywood celebrities. Its been a circus since June 2020 with a famous actor's demise. However, these incidents have taught extremely valuable lessons that can shape and mold our Millennials (born between 1981-1996) and Generation Zs (born between 1997-2012) (New York Disrupted by Mac Pier). I have drawn four lessons from these controversies. Let's look at the first two this week:

The first lesson is money, power, beauty and fame are not the ultimate end. Controversies have been racking the film fraternity both in Hollywood and Bollywood. It started with Harvey Weinstein in October 2017, which made the famous #MeToo movement go viral. The sin Harvey Weinstein became famous for is "casting couch". For those of us who are in unfamiliar territory, "Casting Couch" means providing acting jobs, especially for women, in exchange for sex. We were all shocked and shook our heads in regret. But little did we know that we have another scandal breaking up in our own home front. The Bollywood with its drug cartel and drug abuse. Let's draw some common denominators in both these worlds. Both is about money, both is about power, both is about beauty and both is about fame. Today, somehow our Millennials and Generation Zs have got this into their system that their sole aim and goal is to gain these four at all costs. But where does these lead to? Apparently, these very things are the ones that become a deathly trap. The Bible beautifully comprises it in one thought, "But if its money these leaders are after, they'll self destruct in no time. Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble.".

The second lesson is that sin does not build relationships, it only tears down. Friends are friends only until everything goes well. The Bible warns, "Don't trust your neighbor, don't confide in your friend.". Its interesting to note that top Bollywood celebrities are going through what Jesus went through in His life - "Betrayal". Only difference is that He was betrayed because He was sinless. Evidently, today each are betraying one another because they used each other for their own selfish ends. Harvey was betrayed by the one woman who was obsessed about him at one point of time in life. It was her final testimony that sealed his fate. 

To be continued....

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