Sunday, January 31, 2021

Part time Lover!


The chorus in the famous pop song, ‘Part Time Lover’ by Stevie Wonder goes like this,

“We are undercover Passion on the run,

Chasing love up against the sun,

We are strangers by day, lovers by night,

Knowing it’s so wrong, but feeling so right.”

If you look around, this so aptly describes the reality of our age today. In most cases, people operate in a part-time manner whether it is work, charity or relationship. Stevie Wonder was right when he said people are strangers by day, lovers by night. The sad part is people keep hitting the wrong chord, but still feel right about everything, until things fall crumbling down beyond remedy. That’s the danger when one is not aware of the consequences of not doing things right.

The greatest two commandments found in the Bible given by Jesus are, “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength the second is, Love your neighbor as yourself.”. Your devotion and love for God is not a spare time or part-time option. Our life is the integration of God, full-time. Unless we learn to love the true living God honestly and intensely, love for our neighbor is hypocritical.

People delude themselves thinking they are doing a favor to God by making huge worship shrines, forcefully convert people and increase numbers for their religion, naming a city after a religion and be aggressive in the process making lives of the people miserable in the name of religion. They most likely resemble the Part-time lovers, who have turned religion and worship political. Our true devotion to God attracts the blessings of the Almighty. In one of the passages in the Bible we find a conversation where a person reiterates a brilliant truth, “What pleasures would it give the Almighty if you were righteous? What would he gain if you were blameless?” . It is we who will benefit from the Almighty for leading a righteous life and find mercy in Him. He is in no way deprived if we turn our backs on Him.

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

The trinity of Sin!


"My only sin an enormous one is that my conscience does not accuse me of anything" Pope Pius XIII. When humans come to this stage in their life, they have been emboldened by talent, money and power.  That's the triune elements that entice a man to sin. With talent and no money, a man will be rendered powerless. But with just money and power he/she may make a mark in this world. But with neither talent nor money you just cannot gain power. You definitely need the other two.

Your talent can help you earn money based on you being at the right place at the right time and meeting the right people. It immediately pays you dividends for your skill through money. Once, your talent spreads you become famous and get powerful connections and positions. Eventually, you become one of the powerful persons in your circle of influence.

However, the danger of this trinitarian effect is that it makes you delusional that you have become immune to God's wrath. The Bible says, "..... Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble.". Money brings so much power with it that it starts deadening your conscience and you starts sinning with no hesitation. It's like a tooth decay that festers within but looks perfect outside. Until all three are in constant supply - talent, money and power - sin abounds. But be assured sin will always reveal itself, whether you are alive or dead. There is no escaping.

We all fail to recognise that we have been created by a Holy God who made us in His image and bestowed us with whatever talents we have. Somehow, money and power make fools out of us that we play god in our life. The Bible so beautifully puts, "O God, you know how foolish I am; my sins cannot be hidden from you.".

My friends! I implore upon you that if God has lavished these three facets- talent, money and power, use them wisely and with utmost caution for the glory of your creator and for the good of humanity. When you use them with humility and integrity, you will leave a legacy for your generations or you will leave a trail of shame and regret that will haunt them.

The savior of the world has a power to forgive and cleanse you from all your unrighteous deeds and make you clean, and most importantly enable you to start afresh. Would you consider this God to bless you with a new transformed life?

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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Business of Love!


Is love a business transaction for me? Is something every man and woman should ask oneself. Somehow love has become a commodity in this age and it's only going to increase with every passing century. Every relationship whether it's parents-children, husband-wife, brother-sister has a underlying motive of business. In other words, even love has a tag to it. It costs a person financially, whether you are a father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, wife or husband. If you realise I have restricted my relationships to the most blood-related or intimate. The reason is when these relationships turn business-like it defiles the very concept of love.

I read a recent news article where a woman sacrificed more than US$200,000 (1.5 crores) as a settlement to the wife of her lover to get her to sign the divorce papers. I have given below the news article for more details. There is so much one can read into this article and make judgements. But the heart of the story is a business transaction was done in the name of love - Wife claimed her rights and lover claimed her man. Money has exchanged and all is well. But is all really well? 

As people of this world we are able to digest this story because our values have corroded over time and we are able to debate the business-love transaction without batting our eyelids. However, to comprehend there is a God who sacrificed His life for us without expecting anything except our heart, sounds ridiculous and old tale. The Bible says, '“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life.'. Our Heavenly Father also did a transaction but it was life for life. He gave up His only son so that you and I can have abundant life. Only when money gets involved it's becomes business but when it's life for life it takes it to a whole other level. That is love.

When we believe in a God who sacrificed His life for us. We become rich in love because His character penetrates into the depth of our being and overflows in all our relationships. Today, we pay money as a penalty in religious places for our sins or to show our love for god. No wonder it doesn't hit our conscience when we buy or get rid of relationships with money.

God of the Bible has shown what real love is, "We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.". Sacrificing your dreams, desires and rights for the betterment of your close family or for anyone, being supportive based on their needs, providing an environment where they thrive and being there for them without any expectations will resemble the real love demonstrated to us by God. Make a commitment to know this God of love and see your life and relationships change for the better.

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NewsTree News: 'Girlfriend' Has Spent Rs 1.5 Crore To Get A 'married Boyfriend', Why Did She Have To.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Live life not by lies!


The world has made truth as a rare commodity replacing it with rampant lies, Small compromises and vague explanations people make, groom them to become habitual liars.  Lies and denial start at a very young age. It is likely they were corrected but inconsistency led them to make it a way of life. Lying becomes their friends as long as it benefits them. It comes to a point where lying is more comfortable than speaking the truth.  

Travin Wax, the author of multiple books comments on a play written by Sebastian and says “Survival seemed at one point of time to depend not on truth but falsehood, and since no one wants to think of themselves as committed to lies, the solution is to reframe the grand falsehoods so that one maintains a respectable inward sense that the truth has not been sacrificed. In reality, however, the truth has been twisted. Devastatingly so.”. People camouflage lies with many factors including the noble ones.

Small compromises and adjustments with lies build up and spill to almost all areas of their lives. They rationalize saying, “why do I need to care whether I am respected and honored when life is smooth sailing for me without them.”. Unfortunately, people forget, accumulated lies can hit back at them like a massive Tsunami. Finally, it erupts as a national and global issue, affecting the society at large.

Our lies and adjustments do matter. The income that is earned as result of lies pays back in disaster. What we sow, we reap. This is the law of nature. You may make good money by lying and embezzling but not too long it causes pain and sorrow affecting the family too. The Bible says, “God cannot stomach liars; he loves the company of those who keep their word.”. People are obsessed with security and make money by all means (either by truth or falsehood) and hoard it deluding themselves for eternity on this earth. We fail to understand that we will cease to exist one day and at the same time face the judgement for all the lies we lived, lies we believed in terms of God and His existence. It is time we repent and follow the God of truth who said in the Bible, "I am the way, the truth and the life”, and further said, “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”. You can make a commitment to follow the truth and be transformed.

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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Finally you are in!- Happy New Year 2021


How grateful are you to reach the year 2021? Do you think you have made it because of luck? Well, not really! It is merely because of God’s mercies. If you consider the data of 2017, it records nearly 150, 000 people died each day around the world for various reasons. It would definitely be much more in 2020 compared to the previous years.  It is a privilege to find ourselves still surviving. As quoted before, you are richer than 93% of people, not in money but in time. Of 108 people who have lived throughout history 93% of them are dead. You have what every king, queen, pharaoh, CEO and celebrities of the past would give all their wealth for - Life. Does this excite you? Many who tried their best to be alive have failed. Let us learn to be grateful to the God almighty.

The problem with humans is they increasingly become ungrateful to God. Generally, people think they are self-made  and succeed by their talents, money and power. Many assume God operates in their terms just for the simple reason they give their offerings for the survival of the so-called holy places, be it a temple, mosque or Church etc. It may not make much sense to them. Don’t forget your survival is a miracle and do not get lost merely in celebrating the New Year in a godless way. We have millions of reasons to be thankful to God. Be thankful to the creator and find the reason and purpose for your existence.

The top reason that we exist is to know God and know the purpose for our living. As Mark Twain puts it beautifully, “Purpose in life is far more important than property or possessions. Having more to live with is not substitute for having more to live for. The two greatest days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”.

There are many who say, “I have the ability to decide for myself. Why I should depend on a God what I can decide by myself.”. Again, they are mistaken. Let us not forget we are finite in nature. The Bible says, “Man’s steps are ordained by the Lord, how then can man understand his way?”. You need a God to unfold the surprises and the purpose of your living. 

An author of one of the books in the Bible states, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.". Your path is illuminated by the direction you find from the word of God. You may want to download an online Bible in your preferred language. Download here

Jesus promised abundant life and eternal life, when we acknowledge the divine provision by confessing our wretchedness (sinful nature) to God and choose to live a life worthy for God and to the people in our society. 

Blessed New year 2021!

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