chorus in the famous pop song, ‘Part Time Lover’ by Stevie Wonder goes like
“We are undercover Passion on the run,
love up against the sun,
are strangers by day, lovers by night,
it’s so wrong, but feeling so right.”
If you look around, this so aptly describes the reality of our age today. In most cases, people operate in a part-time manner whether it is work, charity or relationship. Stevie Wonder was right when he said people are strangers by day, lovers by night. The sad part is people keep hitting the wrong chord, but still feel right about everything, until things fall crumbling down beyond remedy. That’s the danger when one is not aware of the consequences of not doing things right.
The greatest two commandments found in the Bible given by Jesus are, “Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength the second is, Love your neighbor as yourself.”. Your devotion and love for God is not a spare time or part-time option. Our life is the integration of God, full-time. Unless we learn to love the true living God honestly and intensely, love for our neighbor is hypocritical.
People delude themselves thinking they are doing a favor to God by making huge worship shrines, forcefully convert people and increase numbers for their religion, naming a city after a religion and be aggressive in the process making lives of the people miserable in the name of religion. They most likely resemble the Part-time lovers, who have turned religion and worship political. Our true devotion to God attracts the blessings of the Almighty. In one of the passages in the Bible we find a conversation where a person reiterates a brilliant truth, “What pleasures would it give the Almighty if you were righteous? What would he gain if you were blameless?” . It is we who will benefit from the Almighty for leading a righteous life and find mercy in Him. He is in no way deprived if we turn our backs on Him.