Sunday, November 18, 2018

IQ (Intelligent Quotient) verses SQ (Spiritual Quotient).

One thing that we all witness in our time is the knowledge boom. It is just incomprehensible compared to two decades or earlier. It is a challenge for people who exist before this time to cope up with so many areas where it demands high IQ (Intelligent quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient) and most importantly, TQ (Technology Quotient). We explore the frontier of the information revolution: The Hybrid Age. The Hybrid age is the transition period between the information Age and the moment of singularity (When machines surpass human intelligence) the inventor Ray Kurzweil, author of the Singularity is Near, estimates we may reach by 2040 (perhaps sooner)

Each of us are expected to better adapt TQ to a future in which robots are going to be the normal social actors in our lives, healthcare becomes a vehicle for physical enhancement, academic descendants’ dissolves in a global skills market, and virtual currencies are expected to enable tax-free transactions.

All the innovation and revolution if you notice is not central to addressing human problems it is only creating more and more panic and uncertainties of survival. Huge masses of people are thrown out from all sectors, may it be IT field, banks or multi-national companies. They don’t need you anymore. Why would they, when technology is able to replace the work of big number of people. More and more people are becoming incompatible for this period of time. 

Having said all this, I want to introduce SQ (Spiritual quotient) to you. Do you have an eye for the spiritual? When you look at the world, do you see only space and time, mass and energy, logic and reason? Or do you also see connectivity and design, purpose and meaning, faith and mystery? Indeed, in many ways, our Spiritual Quotient is shaping up to be more important than even our Intelligence Quotient. Our devoutness to God appears to be a fairly reliable interpreter of how well we’ll do, not just in school or the job market, but in life as a whole, which ultimately is what matters most. 

Ohio State University psychologist Robert Arkin states: “The cycle of materialistic pursuits is disappointing and exhausting in the long run and can make people perpetually unhappy.” To counter this most of us confine to spiritual disciplines and follow rituals by worshiping money, prosperity, creation items as God. Think about it, and commit yourself to a God who is worthy to sustain peace and cohesiveness. 

You may check the link "Life Redefined"  below for more thoughts and Videos

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