Sunday, July 14, 2019

Popular ideology- If you are not with me you are against me!

One of the biggest challenges we all have to encounter and sometimes struggle with is having difficulty to say ‘No’ to friends, team members, people with whom we encounter on a daily basis because the proposal or what they are claiming to be are not convincing enough and probably not even right. If we recollect, this starts at a much younger age from our school days when our peers assume we are against them because we are not seen always with them.

The smarter and the stronger one’s are those who persuade the weaker ones to be with them in order to fulfill their selfish motives and agendas. We forget that we have the right not to agree to everything especially when it is wrong. Let’s remind ourselves this - we can disagree but still hold hands. People have got this wrong completely but it is worth teaching our children and reminding each other that one has the right to disagree on any grounds, it can be from a logical, emotional or spiritual standpoint.

If this is not sensitized, our loved ones and especially our children who are most vulnerable will find themselves accompanying their friends in doing wrong and may get involved in all sort of craziness. King Solomon the wisest king in his proverbs (found in the Bible) warns us this way, ‘My child if sinners entice you, turn your back on them, they may say “come and join us”. Let’s hide and kill someone! Just for fun, lets ambush the innocent!’ He advises to stay far away from their paths.

Do not get yourselves entangled with the whims and fancies of people just because you don’t want them to think you are against them. Let us learn to do good and encourage others to do good and spread the positive values in order to promote harmony. I constantly want to emphasize the God factor in my article basically because there are no self-established boundaries that can do good to our souls. We need God’s help, a God, who spoke on the issues of the heart, good living and gave a glimpse of eternity.

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