once said “If you lose money, you lose nothing; if you lose health, you lose
something; but if you lose character, you lose everything.” The strength of
your character determines the weight of your destiny; and the depth of your
character also determines the height of your destiny. There are many who are
stranded in life, and whose destinies have been crippled by the trap of
emphasize and ensure children are well disciplined and comply to a set of
behaviors that are acceptable and which may help the child to do well in
the studies. Unfortunately, all behaviors are not necessarily building the
character. Children may comply to the school protocols and may even be known to
be the best student, yet may be addicted to some devastating habits that
derails them from fulfilling their ultimate purpose.
a particular child messes in his/her studies, mostly may not
be capacity issue. There are cases the child my be addicted to some
behavior which is detrimental and has been overlooked by the parents or left
unaddressed. A child or an adult have marred character because of
the compromises they make. Compromises toward errant behavior or a
little waywardness, seriously impacts the character.
talks about who you are, your belief system, the values the families are
modelling. You will do well to know that until your character is adjusted your
destiny cannot be established. You must come to a point in your life where you
examine yourself, and sincerely ask, “what is it in my life that needs
correction. What is it in my life that needs to be adjusted?” There are many
great people; people of potential; people of influence, who are wallowing in
irrelevance, because of character bankruptcy - A little lies here
and a compromise there.
To a
large extent people in India are so religious but sadly the religion has
not helped us to maintain a good character. They do not know that God cannot do
anything serious with someone whose character is out of order. The Bible says,
“A good name is to be more desired than great riches.” You will be honored by
God and people for the kind of person you have developed to be.
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Indeed character defines an individual .Very insightful . Well crafted Sir.