Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Intimate Truth!

What is that in us that makes us want to believe in a lie? Is it our ignorance? Or our superficial life style? Or our selfishness? Yes, you heard it right - selfishness. Our believing in a lie could start off as ignorance but even after knowing the truth we still want to go with the lie because we have got comfortable with it or we want to be accepted by the majority.

God our Heavenly Creator made us for one simple reason, to have a relationship with Him. The catch here is once we have a relationship with God we have to mirror His character in our day to day life. This is the most inconvenient part in this demand. So as humans best do, we have taken the short cut to having various religious rituals. Here starts our selfishness. Because we want to carry on with our agendas and not follow God's commands, we have created rituals which are a lie. Let's be honest! Do you really think if we perform some ritual we can become pure with having zero intimacy with God. We have come to believe the lie that by being ritualistic we are intimate with God. The means has replaced the destination. That's a big "NO" my friends.

God says in the Bible, "I am the way, the truth and the life." God our creator made life simple for us being the embodiment of truth but we find it so hard to believe our obeisance to God could be that simple by accepting Him as "The Truth." The very fact of the statement makes us stagger because we have believed in a lie for generations that an all powerful God demands complicated worship. We thought we could fool God by all our rituals but not surrendering our true self to Him. We prefer to give importance to rituals and continue with our depravity of mind but never wanting to surrender ourselves to God because deep down we know we need a major overhauling. 

My friends, let start being honest with God. For starters let's be truthful to our Heavenly Maker. All He expects from us is an intimate relationship with the one He created " fearfully and wonderfully". Begin to give importance to Him keeping your selfishness aside and change yourself if needed. Your rituals are not going to take you to heaven. It's your intimacy with Him.

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