Sunday, March 28, 2021

Whirlpool of disappointments!


We lose control over our life and regret our mistakes as things fall apart. At times, we are confident of doing everything right, yet spiral out of control battling frustrations and disappointments. Is this how life was meant to be? Not really. It's interesting to note that some people with meagre income and simple living standard exhibit absolute satisfaction and less anxiety than wealthy people. The wise man, Solomon in his book in the Bible states, “better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasures and trouble with it.”.

This takes us to the root question, how satisfied are we with our lives? If we are not satisfied with our life,  we start working on impulse, fulfill selfish wants, resulting in "out of control" lifestyle. Our satisfaction starts depending on external factors, which embody unfair parameters. So even if we lead a fair life we still reap adverse consequences because we live in a world with selfish expectations.

For many of us, the pace of life has accelerated to an unadaptable frenzy. The dilemma whether we have done enough or there is so much more to achieve, constantly hangs like a dagger above our neck, leaving us feeling like failures. Obviously, there are many reasons as to why many things we do looks disappointing and having less control.

Our level of control in a situation depends upon our internal state of mind and heart. When we are not at peace in our mind and heart, we end up with deeper levels of frustrations and disappointments, because of our inability to define satisfaction. Monetary benefits or rewards are not designed to give human being a perfect satisfaction. It is our longing for a true God, a Savior and finding satisfaction and peace through that God, that will make all the difference. In modern days, people have made even gods a commodity. Finding a true Savior will alter your life mechanism. Confess your sins and your failures to Him and find perfect peace and deliverance from any addictions and bondages. Jesus promised absolute peace that the world can never give. Through His resurrection we have hope to live a life of perfect peace and zero disappointment.

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