Sunday, September 26, 2021

Why Lie?


The biggest challenge today is to find truthful people. Acquaintances or strangers we meet in our daily walk of life do not guarantee us truth. It doesn’t matter if the person has a saintly appearance or displays ethical values or is involved in humanitarian work, yet we cannot take the person at face value and believe all that he/she has said is truth alone. The level of deception in which a man operates irrespective of his/her identity is huge.

In one of the books in the Bible a sharp question is raised and it says, “Many a man proclaims his own loyalty, but who can find a trustworthy man?” . To a larger extent people portray their good side for selfish ends. John Ortberg in one of his book states, “we are driven by two primary motivations. One, we want to receive selfish gain. We want to avoid pain. We want it so much that we are willing to lie or cheat or deceive for it. We want what we want, and we are willing to cheat to get it. Two, we want to be able to look in the mirror and think well of ourselves. That means we all want to view ourselves as basically good, honest honorable people, two motivations are in conflict with each other.”

Liespotting by Pamela Meyer is one of the top 20 most popular Ted Talks in Youtube. She claims, that on any given day we are lied to from 10 to 200 times. Sometimes these are the empty words the heart does not accompany the lips; we have been deceived. We wish people would simply tell us the truth. People are no more worried about self-image and self-worth. From the matter of small things to big things, people tend to twist a story with a pinch of lie and present it. Speaking lies is the matter of the heart, and the more one tries to cheat others by speaking lies it not only hurts oneself but also God. Jesus emphasized in almost all His teachings and discourses that evil proceeds from the heart of man and defiles a person.

The religious rituals one observes from any religious standpoint cannot forgive and clean a person and help the person to lead a guilt free life. It may help to smother the guilt for some time but it would resurface with an uglier face next time. We need a Savior to live a guilt free life. Every lie and deception we practice is a sin that needs to be forgiven for our life to be transformed. To live a clean life, you need a holy God to indwell your heart. Jesus is in the business of transforming lives. 

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