It's common that individuals talk to themselves, but it is more a hidden thing. The mental monologue is usually negative hindering our happiness and effectiveness. Studies say that an average man will have anything between 40 to 50,000 thoughts in a day, out of which 60% are usually negative. Bible states, “…As he thinks in his heart, so is he…”. There are some repetitive thoughts which are the real cause for worry. This blog aims to highlight a few of them.
1. What others think about you.
People overwhelm themselves by living up to the expectation of others not realizing that people’s expectations differ with circumstances and from person to person. This leads to guilt within us for not being the person others want us to be. Unfortunately, we never consider how we should live to the expectation of our maker. If we have got the purpose of our life right then our prayers would be meaningful as Lysa Terkeurst shared her model prayer to God, “Lord make my thoughts more like your thoughts, make my words more filled with grace and compassion. Make my plans more in line with your purpose.”.
2. The fear of worst thing can happen to you.
Zig Ziglar states, “The fear of failure leads to failure”. When we stare at the face of fearful situations like job loss, sickness, break up of relationship, we engage in temporary solutions to overcome this fear. However, we never quiet our hearts which comes out of hope in God. The reason being people are more familiar with rites and rituals than with God. Hence, reality is marred and terrorizing.
3. What we don’t have.
What we don’t have is what bothers us a lot. Once we get what we want we realize that’s not what we need. This quest of wanting and not wanting is the sign of longing of our soul. When the soul is looking for its Savior, its creator, we feel restless, and we wrongly end up replacing God with religiosity. When we are overwhelmed with sadness we find meaning in friends, entertainment and addiction to be free of the numbing pain of loneliness. Man hardly considers the solution in God and relies on the counterfeit concept of religion.
4. Past mistakes
Mistakes result in guilt making a person weak without energy. Man in his religious rituals relies on it as a business deal. Visiting a shrine, following a spiritual guru, taking a dip in a river, making an image or an idol and offering prayers to it on a regular basis are some of the ways one tries to receive forgiveness for the past mistakes but what the soul needs is forgiveness from God. If you are struggling with any guilt, you have hope in Jesus. Jesus is the way, and He has the full authority to forgive the sins of mankind. He is bigger than all the humankind and gods we can make or fantasize. He spoke about repentance and forgiveness and even while He was on the cross, He said, “Lord forgives them for they know not what they do”. He is truly the son of God, and the Bible says, He is given the authority to forgive the sins of the people.
You have the possibility to see your life transformed and to live a life with freedom, hope, joy and purpose. If the above thought processes are bothering you then ask Jesus to help you as it is written “cast your burden for He cares for you.”. Maybe you can say a model prayer to Him and decide to know Him more. “Dear Lord Jesus, Today, I pray that in your mercy, you’d help me get rid of all fears and worries, problems, doubts, guilt, and disappointment, that seems to be filling my heart and every chaotic, wild spirit that’s out of control in my life.”.
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