Sunday, September 4, 2022

Fake it till you make it!


We live in a system where all of us would have experienced of being cheated at least once. This is because people want to constantly outsmart the other individuals if that means a better return, or a good benefit for them. Moral values like Integrity, honesty, truthfulness and trust happens to be an ideology that are talked about to sell themselves than actually living by those principles. The wisest man Solomon in the book of Proverb in the Bible states this, “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: But a faithful man who can find?”

Speaking to a teenager who reminded me the philosophy adapted by most young people, “Fake it till you make it!” which I am sure is not just followed by young children but is a habit of adults too. It is just that we all want to make it, we all want to live our way, we all want to win, we all want to gain, we all want to profit, we all want to be applauded, we all want to be appreciated, we all want to make big money, we all want to have all the luxury, we all want to get all that we see. And all these are not just possible even though if we have to have all the wealth and purchasing power. Therefore, people use lies to make it. They fake things.

In the course of time faking becomes a habit.  And when faking becomes an habit then all our dealings, relationships, religiousity, generosity and friendship stand on the pillars of lies. We deceive one another and at times deceived too. People forget that it has serious repercussion. Most of the marriages, relationships fail because too long they faked about almost everything. Such peoples devotion to God becomes a meaningless religious exercise or an activity.  Let me quote an example, while Jesus who is not a God of a religion, but a God who came to make provision for man’s sin through sacrifice lived among men and preached repentance, in other words asked people to turn away from sin. He was seen as a threat by religious leaders. The Bible records the religious gurus who were called the scribes and Pharisees sent men to spy Him. And it says, “They watched closely and sent spies who pretended to be righteous so that they could catch him in what he said to hand him over to the governor’s and rule and authority.” People literally failed in their endeavor because Jesus did not fake anything.

His resurrection was such an historical event in human history that people who don’t want to follow this God of holiness tried to call it a fake. But history and archaeology prove it again and again. You may fake it till you make it but remember it cannot hide your true identity.  The Bible says “For a man’s ways are before the Lord's eyes and he considers all this paths.” We all will stand condemned before God. If you keep faking it you will live with constant restlessness. Do you want help? Ask Him to transform you. Confess your faults to God and to one another to live an original life.


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