Sunday, September 11, 2022

My happiness is my priority!


Today the world believes that at the end of the day we must be happy at all costs. The end goal is personal happiness, and the means exists devoid of moral framework. We are constantly reiterated to do what makes us happy. Many are drowning in addiction. Infidelity is rampant. Cheating one another is no more considered adultery as it fulfils the longing of one’s heart. Motivational speakers keep inspiring and emphasizing to live the best life here and be happy.

We all have our own formulas and philosophies of life. We follow icons and gurus who match our philosophy. Soon, our children follow our footsteps and demand that they are given all freedom with no infringement in their space. This has such an impact on children that they fight for their space and live a secret life. Children from high society having greater privilege of facilities in their homes, seclude themselves and keep withdrawing from socializing. When personal happiness at all costs becomes the top goal, soon the family struggles to hold on to family values and stay together.

Personal happiness comes with a huge price of loneliness and depression. Man breaks boundaries to acquire and experience all illegitimate pleasures. Illegitimate pleasures violate the right of another human being. The end outcome can be rape and brutal murder for example. The ones with money and power escape without being convicted. This encourages more crime, more infringements of rights of innocent people, and all of this is done to attain personal happiness.

Religion with set of rules and regulations does not impact the transformation of heart. Even the religious festivals in many cases are a big gala where people go berserk with everything that can make them happy. All starts with the philosophy, “I need to do everything that can make me happy, and I don’t care who is hurt in the process”. Foremost we hurt a living God who is holy. All wrong behaviour is selfish and evil forces one to manage life in one's own terms. In the process people become gods of their own life. We forget we don’t have control over our next breath, yet we dance to the tunes of our selfish mind and evil heart, violating God and people in the process.

True happiness and true peace come from the Lord Jesus Christ who promised to forgive our personal sins and live a guilt free life. When we sin, we first wrong against a living God, and we are consumed by guilt which creates emptiness. Emptiness pushes us to loneliness, and to survive, we substitute happiness. The Bible says that wages of sin is death. We die spiritually and end up in the eternal condemnation to a permanent destination which the Bible calls hell. We pay a huge price here on this earth for all our wrongdoings affecting our eternal destination eventually. You need a Savior to transform you. Just a simple prayer can transform the course of your life and assure eternity with Him. 

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